The Lost World Cage of Eden Wiki
Chuck McBatters
Vital statistics
Physical Attributes
Personality Statistics
Family Tree
Other Statistics


  • Name: Chuck McBatters
  • Age: 18
  • Hair: Blonde (later on, Brown with Blonde Streaks)
  • Eyes:
  • Likes: Baseball, cheese, Kragnar, adventure, having his braces gone, riding hover bikes, being naked (likes the feel of the breeze)
  • Dislikes: Hives, girls (doesn't know how to interact with them), the Inferno Empire, rich people, bullies, Chad and Tad, Francis (terrified of him)
  • Family: Danny and Andria McBatters (parents/deceased)



Before his transformation, Chuck was a scrawny and lanky Caucasian eighteen year old boy, with blonde hair with the right side being long, and turquoise blue eyes. His usual attire was an olive green coat with a black shirt, and baggy jeans, with black and white baseball shoes. His clothes were pretty messy due to being from a poor family and wears an olive green coat over a black shirt and jeans. Like Toby, he had braces.

After being taken to LWE, his body has been augmented. He possesses a small muscled body slim and strong enough for running. Every inch of him is built for speed and agility. His hair still retains his style but the right side is bouncy and spikey, and long enough for a ponytail in the back. His bang and ponytail has a white streak and dips.

LWE Attire[]



Chester is a fan of Kragnar the Barbarian comics. Like the rest of his friends and group, Chuck is considered one of the "unpopular kids", although even then he is usually picked by the other kids who wanted him on their team over Riley and/or Newt. He was usually bullied by Tad, Chad, and Francis. Chest also has an insatiable love of cheese, able to recite most of the cheeses of his world, as well as translating the languages they came from, shocking everyone since he's kind of an idiot with everything else.

Chuck does not seem to like girls much, stating that they "give him hives", though it's mostly due to his downward luck with flirtation techniques. Though he's trying to fix that by learning from Newt when he notices Yu Dao flirting with him unsuccessfully.

Chuck has been shown to have an unusual appetite. He is often seen eating garbage from the can. He also took chocolate from Toby as soon as he saw it was dumped on the street. Chuck also seems to suffer from an extremely strange desire to be nude, sometimes he is completely disrobed. This causes the girls to either stare at him in wait, or to throw clothes at him, shouting at him to at least dress up.





  • Outfits
  • Collaspible Battle Baseball Bat
  • Explosive Sphere Bombs



Voice Actor[]

Jason Marsden

